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Enjoy making a box-top book to use with preschool boys and girls. The book can include a variety of box tops, or the box tops can be in one category such as cereal.

Expand the idea to make an A-Z cereal book.  After selecting box tops for a book, save the extra boxes to use for play foods in the homeliving/dramatic play center.  God gives food to us (Psalm 136:25).


Supplies for Box-Top Book:

  • tops from various food boxes such as cereal, cake mixes, Jell-O® gelatin prepared mixes, and pudding
  • paper cutter
  • hole punch
  • metal ring


1. Remove the top from each box.

2. Use a paper cutter to trim the edges of the box tops.

3. Put box tops in order (A-Z) if preparing an alphabetical book.

4. Add a piece of white cardstock for missing letters.

5. Punch a hole in the top left corner of each box top; add a metal ring.


Ideas for Box-top Book: Cereal,

A—Apple Jacks                            N—Nature’s Valley

B—Bran Flakes                             O—Oreo O’s

C—Cheerios                                   P—Pops

D—Dora the Explorer                    Q—Quaker Oatmeal Squares

E—Eggo                                           R—Rice Krispies

F—Frosted Shreded Wheat          S—Smart Start

G—Grape-Nuts                              T—Total

H—Honeycomb                              U—Uncle Sam

I—Instant Oatmeal                         V—Vanilla Yogurt Crunch

J—Just Bunches                           W—Wheaties

K—Kix                                               X—

L—Life                                              Y—Yogurt Burst Cheerios

M—Multi-Grain Flakes                 Z—

(Note: Check for list of breakfast cereals.

Teaching Tips:

  • Observe boys and girls “reading”  the book as they name familiar cereals. Initiate

conversation about good food to eat. Thank God for good food.

  • If letters are missing, ask a child to turn the pages and name the missing letters.

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