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Musical instruments

Musical instruments

              Bring several instruments into the classroom which the children can explore.  Do not bring instruments that are too difficult or unsafe for children to explore.  In addition, provide materials to make instruments such...
Signet Rings

Signet Rings

                  Objective: Create a working signet ring to highlight the power that Joseph had in Egypt (see Genesis 41:41-42). Provide fancy buttons with high relief, or deep patterns.  Let each child choose a chenille...
Cleaning Our Room

Cleaning Our Room

                  Provide damp sponges, spray bottles of water, dust cloths, small booms, dust pans, small mops, and other cleaning items you may have on hand.  Remind the children that we need to help keep our church clean...

Family Devotion Night

Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16 Opening Question to Discuss:  Have you ever eaten something that really needed salt? Name some things that would be terribly bland to eat without salt. (Ex:  Green beans, potatoes, popcorn.)  Salt was used to preserve...
Caring for Animals

Caring for Animals

• Pretend doctor kit • Band-Aids or strips of masking tape on wax paper • Cardboard blocks • Small blankets • Animal feeding bowls with strips of paper for pretend food • Vinyl animals of all sizes and kinds As children play, ask, “How do you care for the animals in...

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