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Nature Walk Art

Nature Walk Art

  God saw everything He had made and it was very good. Genesis 1:31 What you will need: Brown bag or zip-lock bag for each child Cardboard squares Nature items Pictures of creatures made with nature items Put it together: Give each child a bag or zip-lock and...
Autumn Leaves Globe

Autumn Leaves Globe

What you will need: Heavy-weight paper Tacky glue Brown markers or crayon Clear plate Fall leaf confetti Put it together: Lightly trace the outline of the plate on heavy-weight paper. Invite the preschoolers to draw a simple, bare tree inside the circle. Print “God...
6-Verse Cube Review

6-Verse Cube Review

Use verse cubes like dice to learn 6 Bible verses. What you will need: 6 Square boxes Shredded paper Packing tape 6 Bible verses Paper and markers or print on a computer Put it together: Stuff square boxes with shredded paper. Tape the ends closed. Divide each verse...
Trick or Treat Outreach

Trick or Treat Outreach

Provide cards for your church members to hand out with their trick or treat candy.  Include information about your church’s on-going ministry to children and any up-coming special events. What you will need: Cardstock Information about your church Candy Put it...
Fall Leaf Fun

Fall Leaf Fun

What you will need: Basket Lots of colorful fall leaves Paper Crayons Tape Put it together: Load a basket of colorful fall leaves. Help the preschoolers sort the leaves by size, shape or color. Create a pattern for the preschoolers to repeat: Big, little, big, little;...

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