og:image Contact 1-2-3 - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Contact 1-2-3 is one way preschool and children’s leaders Care4Kids. It is a simple, flexible plan for making ongoing contacts to members and prospects using the existing organization of your Sunday School department or class.

Each member and prospect on the department roll is assigned to a worker. Workers make contacts to members, prospects, and parents by mail, telephone, or personal visits.

Contact 1-2-3 focuses on contacts to absentees but includes contacts to all children.

  1. Contact 1 – The first time a child is absent, the worker sends a card or letter.
  2. Contact 2 – After a second absence, the worker calls child or family
  3. Contact 3 – After a third absence, the worker makes a visit in the home.

Make a Contact by Mail

  • Use language the child will understand.
  • Print clearly for younger children.
  • Make messages as personal as you can.
  • Postcards, birthday cards, Christmas cards and notes are great.
  • Send a message in code.
  • Cut apart an extra teaching picture, words to a memory verse, or a special message. Send one word to each child with a note, asking him to bring his puzzle piece to Sunday School.
  • Send instructions for a special activity you will do on Sunday.
  • Write a note in first person from a Bible person you are studying.
  • Send a riddle or “Who Am I?” puzzle related to the Bible study. Ask children to be prepared to give the answer on Sunday.

Make a Contact by Telephone

  • When you call, make sure children and parents (or guardians) know who is calling.
  • If an adult answers the phone, identify yourself. Reference your church unless you already have an established relationship.
  • Call at an appropriate time. Call before bedtime and try to avoid mealtimes.
  • Call with a secret assignment for the coming Sunday.
  • Call to give a child a special title or silly award.
  • Invite a child to call you to hear a special message on your answering machine.

Make a Contact by Personal Visit

  • Have a purpose in mind as you prepare for the visit.
  • Make an appointment or call ahead.
  • Plan to take something to leave with the child or her parents. Items may include a copy of More, Adventure, Bible Express, ParentLife or an extra game or activity.
  • Take a picture of the child during your visit and include it in a display at church.


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