I know you are feverishly seeking VBS workers, collecting and ordering supplies, and trying to get the word out about Vacation Bible School. Let’s consider an idea for promoting VBS so you can get some kids there.
A few years ago, I used some kids to help me make the VBS announcement. I purchased a large poster set for our VBS theme and mounted them to some construction foam panels. I number them (1-2-3-4-5-6) on the back in bold black numbers so the kids could see them and put them in order. The theme music started playing and that was our cue to walk down the center aisle. The posters walked ahead of me and got organized on the stage then pushed together to create the scene. I stepped up and led in the applause then gave my announcement about VBS with great enthusiasm. The people were delighted and as we walked off the stage, the people once again applauded.
A few tips for this announcement are:
- Create handles on the back of the construction foam panel using duck tape and dowel rods. Two handles per panel works great.
- Be sure to practice ahead of time with the kids helping you. It is too much pressure to get it right the first time. You want it to be a success. First impressions are powerful, so make it good. It’s worth practicing.
- Script out your announcement and read it. Your confidence needs to shine.
I would love to hear any ideas you have for promoting VBS. Be sure to post any pictures on my Facebook page- Mr. Mark’s Classroom. I love seeing what you do and many others want to see your decorations and ideas too. Keep up the good work!
Your Friend,
Mr. Mark