og:image Decorating Cookies for Dad - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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  • Cookies (Two for each child would be ideal)
  • Icing
  • Writing Icing
  • M&Ms
  • Fruit Roll-Ups
  • Craft Sticks
  • Paper plates
  • Marker or Pen
  • Small cup or bowl for each child
  • Kitchen scissors or plastic knife

Place icing in a small cup or bowl for each child with a craft stick or plastic knife. Have two cookies on a firm paper plate for each child (one to take home to dad and one to eat!)

Demonstrate how to smoothly cover a cookie with icing. Children can place M&Ms around the edge of the cookie on top of the icing. With the help of an adult, write a short message such as “#1 Dad” on the cookie. (We found it hard to fit “Happy Father’s Day” on a cookie.) Cut or tear two short strips off of a Fruit Roll-Up. Cut one end of each strip to resemble a ribbon and lay the strips under the cookie. Use a marker to write “Happy Father’s Day” on the paper plate or help the child to add a personal note to dad, Grandpa or another special person in the their life.

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