“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:14
- 7 Craft sticks
- Markers
- 5 Rubber bands
- Hot glue gun
- Bottom half of plastic Easter egg
- Pom Poms
- Color the craft sticks with markers.
- Stack five craft sticks together, then use a rubber band on each end to secure them together.
- Slide one craft stick above the bottom stick in the stack and pull through. Use a rubber band to secure the last craft stick on top of this one, at the end.
- Use the last two rubber bands to create an X around the middle of the catapult.
- Use a small dot of hot glue to secure the egg half as a bowl to the launching end of the catapult.
- Put a pom pom in the egg and let the launching begin! Consider setting up a target and seek to reach the “goal.”
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