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Make new beanbags to use with your fall teaching plans. Children will enjoy the beanbags. You will have opportunities to talk about colors and things to see outdoors in the fall. Remind boys and girls that God made a beautiful world and had a plan for the seasons.



Supplies for Fall Beanbags:

  • child-size socks (tube style)
  • filler—poly-pellets® (stuffing material available at craft stores or small aquarium gravel
  • white iron-on tape/scissors
  • felt-tip markers
  • iron



1. Use white or colored socks.

2. Cut small shapes such as leaves or pumpkins from the iron-on tape. Use the felt-tip markers to color the shapes.

3. Follow the instructions to iron the shapes onto the socks.

4. Fill the socks with the pellets or small aquarium gravel.

5. Tie a knot at the top of the socks.

Teaching Tips:

  • Use the beanbags to initiate conversation about the fall season. Toss a beanbag to a child and ask the child to name something to see outdoors in the fall. Talk about fall flowers and vegetables.
  • Plan to use the beanbags for games in learning centers and group time.
  • Remember to thank God for things to see and do in the fall.
  • To the tune “God Is So Good,” sing the words: God sends the fall; God sends the fall; God sends the fall; He’s so good to us.

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