Provide various shades of construction or craft paper that reflects the many complexions of people around the world. Using the entire 12” length, trace your hand on the paper and continue down the arm. Cut them out. Now trade arm pieces with friends to get four different outlines. Assemble them in and interlocking square by having the hands “hold” the wrist of the next hand. Glue down fingers on the wrist it is “holding”. While they work, you can talk about how we cooperate together to reach all the people in the world with the good news about Jesus. For a class-sized project connect all the hands in one giant circle.
Use a letter or legal sized envelope and cut off one end. On the face side, cut a one inch slit right down the middle. On each of the two creased sides, cut a slit about ½ inch. Now fold down the flaps you just cut to create the collar tips and the back of the collar. Tuck the edges of the front collar tips that extend beyond the edge under the back collar edge and glue or tape. Cut ties from patterned paper, adding details with a marker. Fill with candy and include a card wishing Dad a Happy Father’s Day!