og:image God Has Called You to Part-time Ministry, Not Burnout - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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We are our own worst enemy…really we are! We have more great ideas than time to accomplish them. We want our pastor, staff, and our church family to be proud of the work we accomplish. We want the events we plan to be successful for the Kingdoms sake. We want boys and girls to grow in their knowledge of who Jesus is and to one day come to Salvation through Him. We want well-trained volunteers who always say YES! We want parents to be equipped and encouraged to fight the good fight and disciple their children at home. And on and on our desires go. The key word OUR desires. So here we sit…tired, discouraged, and beating ourselves up that we can’t get it all done or we aren’t good enough. The truth is, we aren’t good enough…only Jesus is.

As I sit here writing this article, I am convicted. I am a part-time Preschool/Children’s Minister that has overloaded her plate and I have no one to blame but myself. When did I let my desires come before what Jesus required and asked of me? Have I been too busy to notice? The answer is yes! So what now?

Be well organized and make the most of your time. Schedule and plan well. Make weekly “To-Do” Lists and stick to them. Try to minimize office disruptions/distractions the best you can. Make sure you are not guilty of excessive visiting with co-workers or church members who frequently drop by. Be kind and courteous but keep on task.

In other words, do not add an event or task to your plate until something else comes off. Pray about what God would have you do. Is this His leading or yours? If you don’t know, don’t add! If leadership is asking more of you, then an open and honest brainstorming conversation will need to take place.

When you are off, you are off! Spend time investing in your family and yourself. Make sure to rest and recharge spiritually. USE YOUR VACATION DAYS!

What has Jesus asked of you? Have YOU added to that? Is it necessary? If so, can it be delegated? No need to be The Lone Ranger in ministry. Form a Children’s Ministry Team to help you with events. There are people who are gifted just waiting to be asked!


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