og:image Happy Fall Neighbor! - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of our God remains forever. Isaiah 40:8

What you will need:neighbor

  • Clean fruit or vegetable can
  • Can of spray paint
  • Small plant or ivy
  • Potting soil
  • Ribbon or raffia
  • Notecard or die cut shape
  • Permanent markers

Put it together:

  1. Paint the can and let dry in advance.
  2. Children can decorate the can with permanent markers.
  3. Plant the flower in the can.
  4. Encourage each child to write “Happy Fall” and a Bible verse on the notecard or die cut shape and attach to the can using ribbon or raffia.
  5. Prayer walk your community and deliver plants randomly to houses around the church.
  6. Option: include a church brochure or bulletin with an invitation to attend services.


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