og:image Hidden Items in Jar - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Guessing activities encourage boys and girls to think and share their responses. Create a guessing game by hiding items in a jar. Using nature items leads to talking about wonderful things God made.

Think about the wonderful things God  made (Job 37:14).

Supplies for sand jar:

  • Parmesan cheese jar*
  • Nature items such as shells and rocks
  • Sand (Play Sand can be purchased at Wal-Mart and home improvement stores)
  • clear mailing tap
  • This plastic jar is also useful for storing items.


1. Clean the jar.

2. Choose nature items to place in the jar.

3. Add sand to cover the items without filling the jar.

4. Use clear mailing tape to secure the top on the jar.

Teaching Tips:

  • Place the jar in the nature center.
  • Open the Bible to read about things God made.
  • Read the Bible verse Think about the wonderful things that God made (Job 37:14).
  • Invite children to name some of the wonderful things God made. Make a list of the things. Pray, thanking God for wonderful things He made for people to enjoy.
  • Vary the activity by eliminating the sand in the jar. Place nature items in the jar for the child to see such as flowers, small leaves, and twigs with buds.

Bonus Idea:

Fill the jar with small items in the room such as crayons, puzzle pieces, blocks, nature items, and a piece of play dough. Ask a child to hold the jar and turn it to see something from one of the learning centers in the room.

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