og:image How Do I Get Kids in Our Empty Kids’ Ministry - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Mr. Mark,

I just recently started teaching Sunday school for both the preschool and 1st-2nd grades. We are a small rural church in a community of military families so they are constantly coming and going. There haven’t been any kids in the classes for a while. This church is mostly older members who have been here since they were kids. We’ve been door to door with no luck. What can I do to get the younger families in our community to at least come and check us out?


Miss Struggling


Miss Struggling,

It is great to meet you!  I love hearing your passion for reaching kids.

I am learning about getting families to church.  The kids’ ministry is not the problem as much as it might be reaching young adults.  The church needs to be praying and considering what can be done to reach moms and dads.  Many times families come because they have a friend or friends at church.  Also, young adults today are mission minded and want to serve others outside the church. So having a project to involve them as they participate in the church will be attractive.  Providing content that appeals to parents and building community among young adults is vital not just community within the church family.  Both are important.  It sounds like, when the families arrive, you and the other children’s leaders are prepared and ready to roll out a great classroom experience.

I hope this is something you can add to your thinking and I pray your church will soon see fruit in reaching families.

Your Friend,

Mr. Mark

What other advice would you offer Miss Struggling?

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