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Okay, like many of you, I love my iPhone.  If I left the house without it, it would be like leaving without pants.  Just impossible to live without it.

I constantly check texts, emails, weather, Facebook, Twitter and more.  I had to really pray through texting while driving.  Myiphone family had an intervention and really confronted me.  That was best!

It is amazing all the music you can store and purchase on iTunes and now great podcasts (like mine– Insert Wink!) I enjoy listening to podcasts as I drive to the church each day.

The Sad Part

I was meeting with my accountability partner and we were reading a Bible verse when I noticed the screen on his phone was cracked.  He had dropped it.  Like a good friend, I laughed at him.  When we left McDonalds, I heard him say, “Wait!”  I pulled back into the parking space to learn I ran over my phone (twice).  I asked him why he let me pull over it again?  “It was goner the first time.” he said laughing at me.  I guess I deserve that.

Here’s what I’ve learned with my new ghetto dumb phone.

1. Texting is still there but more difficult (no contacts).

2. Email is waiting for you when you get to your office. It’s quiet now.

3. Much more is actually accomplished now.

4. There is freedom and peace.  I think I like it now the withdraws and pouting are over (kinda).

Here’s the challenge.  Could you have less chaos if you limited your time in the virtual world?  How will you put technology in timeout today.  You deserve a break!

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