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A Heart for Missions—John 3:16


Assemble treat bags for an outreach in your neighborhood or for the local nursing home residents AND WORKERS.

You’ll need treat bags, individually wrapped candy (don’t forget sugar free for diabetics), index cards, markers or crayons and a stapler. Fold the index card in half and decorate both sides with Bible verses and info about your church. You may also choose to use computer postcards and print all the info.

Boys and girls can put the candy in the bags, fold the index card or postcard in half, and staple as a topper on the treat bag.

When assembly is complete, gather the bags and the kids and pray for those who will receive the bags. Schedule a time with the kids to deliver the bags. The residents will love it.


Bible Verse Food Pantry—Matthew 25:40


Encourage boys and girls to bring non-perishable food items.

You’ll need construction paper, markers, stickers, tape, scissors, etc.

Ask boys and girls to use supplies to decorate the cans and or boxes with Bible verses and stickers—making sure not to cover up pertinent information on the items. When you complete the decorations, take time to allow children to pray for the individuals that will be receiving the food items.

Place the items in your church food pantry for distribution or give the items to a family in your community. Be sure to include information about your church. Or consider taking the items to your local mission center. (The kid-made labels are sure to bring a smile to the faces of the recipients.)


Church Helpers—Galatians 5:13


Set aside an hour or two for boys and girls to help clean and sanitize youth, college and/or adult classrooms.

You’ll need basic cleaning supplies and gloves for each child. Everything is more fun with gloves on! You’ll also need
construction paper and markers or crayons.

As you sanitize table tops, chairs and counters, be mindful to put items back where they were found in the classrooms.  Pray for the members of the class and the teacher before you leave the room. As you complete a classroom, write a note to the
members of that class and leave in a prominent place to let them know that you have been praying for them.

Be sure to write a note of appreciation to your custodian—they will appreciate your help and your kind words too!

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