og:image Mitten Monsters - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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 Items Needed:

  • Stretchy cheap colorful gloves – one per student
  • Buttons
  • Wiggly eyes
  • Felt
  • Scissors
  • Glue

This is a craft idea for your Sunday School class or Wednesday night program when you have a hat and mitten drive during the winter. Everyone can donate mittens (hats, socks) to a local shelter and the kids in class can make a Mitten Monster to take home.


Kids can make these in a number of ways:

  • The thumb can be folded in. Add eyes, nose, and a mouth. The face can be made with buttons, cut out of felt or glue on other embellishments.
  • The gloves can be used with all five fingers out and turned upside down where the fingers represent hair.
  • The gloves can be stuffed and sewn shut.
  • Leave the glove open and insert that day’s Bible verse or a piece of candy.

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