og:image Need a Release Form? - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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If you’re like me, you are getting all the summer activities planned and ready to go.  It seems like summer leaps forward quickly when Spring Break is just in our rear view mirror.  We have been working so hard to get all of the VBS workers lined up and hopefully trained in April (Fingers crossed!).  All the camp letters have gone out to get our kids signed up and paid, so we can mail in our roster list to the campground.  And always the dreaded Wednesday night program in the summer.  I’m trying to figure out what that will be this year.  I have been using Zip for Kids and I’ve had lots of success, so I might just do that again.  “If it ain’t broke!”  Right?  I’m still curious what you use during the summer.  Reply to this email and let me know. 

Below, I have attached a really good release form from one of my friends in our Metro group.  It is in a Word Doc so you can add your logo and tweak it to fit your needs.  I really appreciate the sharing in our community.  Saves tons of time and energy!  Set it up for annual use.  Reply and tell me if this something you can use? 

Your Friend, 

Mr. Mark 


Download the Release Form.

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