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When I Go to Church

Author : Kay Henry

When I Go to Church: Guiding Preschoolers in Worship, by Kay Henry, helps parents and teachers to prepare older preschoolers for worship. This colorfully illustrated book features four delightful stories about preparing for and going to worship services.



Pub. Date: June 2011

ISBN: 1415870462

Product No.: 005397465
Price: $5.99


Kids’ Discipline 101: Guiding Behavior in the Church Setting

This resource is a training module for leaders that contains strategic principles related to guiding the behavior of kids. This step-by-step approach for use in a church setting to redirect kids’ behavior provides hands-on techniques to use in establishing a good learning environment. All children have behavior challenges. That’s why your church leaders and volunteers need this handy training guide and DVD designed to give leaders guidance in areas where behavior issues can be avoided before they even develop. A great resource to have on hand for parents, too.



Each kit includes:

  • Guide book covering strategic principles related to guiding behavior of kids

DVD-ROM containing a one-hour video presentation with PowerPoint file, listening sheet and summary tips that can be printed for each participant, and a printable promotional poster



Pub. Date: June 2011
Product No.: 005397423
Price: $24.99


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