og:image OH baby oh baby oh baby—what a weekend!! - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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It sure was good to see all those kiddos huggin’ and kissin’ on their mommas!  Don’t you know that made them mommas feel all gooshy inside?  Uh huh!  Flower pots and dirt and seeds, oh my…I’m not sure when “hug a hoarder” day is, but I want me some of that!

Now babies, this week on the Hoarder you are in for a cup of goodness…I mean it…get your cups out, cuz you’re gonna need’em!  Preschool is gonna have sooo much fun too.  Make sure your cameras or your fancy phones are all charged UP!  Make it a week to remember for your lovely, precious babies that come to your class and don’t forget who loves you…I’DA!!

Ba bye!

Preschool Ideas

Kid Ideas

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