Missions – Right and Left/Front and Back
Ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Acts 1:8, KJV
Missions can begin where you are! You don’t have to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth to find people who need your witness…your help for them to become part of the church where you are.
Look to the right and to the left, to the front and the back of where you sit in the worship service on Sunday morning. Most people sit in the same area of the Worship Center. Do you know these people and what their needs might be?
Some suggestions for making a connection with the people near you during the Sunday morning worship service:
- Get acquainted; exchange names.
- Find out if they are members of your church.
- Invite them to go with you to meet the pastor and/or other church leaders.
- Find out if they are part of a Bible Study class.
- Invite them to your class if appropriate or plan to introduce them to a Bible Study leader for a class for them.
- If they are absent for several Sundays, call or write a note. (If you do not know the address, check the current church directory or call the church office.)
- Tell about activities during the week or some special event on the church calendar.
- Ask if they have any specific prayer requests.
- Call the church office to report any information that should be shared with a staff person.
- Pray for these people!
Resource to keep on pews: copy of current Bible Study directory that shows classes and age groups. You can check this information to share as needed, or you could give the information to the person.