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Photos can be used to create concentration games. A favorite game using photographs includes photos of boys and girls in your class. Plan to take close-up photographs of each child, and then print two copies of each photo.  Remind boys and girls that concentration means to think about something. Playing a photo  concentration game challenges children and helps them know their friends at church.


Supplies for Concentration Game:

  • 12 quart-size zip-lock bags
  • 12 stick-on numbers*
  • construction paper
  • 6 sets of photographs

*Numbers can be printed on address labels to attach to the bags, or a permanent marker can be used to print numbers on the bags.



1. Attach numbers 1-12 to each bag.

2. Cut paper to fit inside the bags.

3. Mix photos; place one in each bag behind the paper so that it will be visible when the bag is turned over.

4. Spread the bags on the floor or on a table.

Ready, Set, Play!

Ask a child to call two numbers then turn over the two bags. If the photos match, he leaves the bags face-up. If the photos do not match, he leaves the bags face down. Continue playing the game until all of the photos have been matched. Rearrange the photos  in the bags and repeat the game.


Teaching Tips:

  • Talk about friends at church as photos are matched. Name children who are absent.
  • Open the Bible to Psalm 139:14 and personalize the verse to include names of the children such as “Wyatt is wonderfully made.” Pray, thanking God  for making wonderful children.


Alternate Idea for Game: Use a different color of paper in each bag. Omit numbers on the bags. Invite a child to call two colors, turn over the two bags, and see if the photos match.


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