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What about the importance of encouraging gratitude and generosity into the hearts of children. Here are four tips on how to do that.


  1. Help foster gratitude as a lifestyle. (Luke 17:11-19)
    • Ways that ungratefulness sneaks into our lives.graat
    • How can we keep this from happening
  2. Focus on the attitude behind the generosity. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
    • Why do we give
  3. Provide outlets for generosity.
    • Practical suggestion
  4. Bring it full circle. (Acts 20:35)

Kathie Phillips

Kathie Phillips is currently the Director of Children’s Ministry at Central Presbyterian Church.  She is a conference speaker and shares her love of Children’s Ministry through her blog (KidMinspiration), her monthly column in Children’s Ministry Magazine and through other freelance venues.  In her free time, Kathie loves to read, travel and try new recipes.

Find Kathie online and on social media!

Facebook:  Kathie Williams Phillips

Twitter:  @kidminkathie


Unwrapped Conference August 5-

Kid’s Min 411 (Free Conference) April 11-

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