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Christine has over 20 years of children’s ministry experience.  She’s the author of 10 books and hundreds of articles related to children’s ministry.  She recently wrote the new Celebration Place companion to Celebrate Recovery and six Family Faith Celebration kits.  It’s no wonder she enjoys an almost-daily latte to keep her going!  She is the executive editor of Children’s Ministry Magazine and serves as Group’s children’s ministry champion, responsible for research, development, and innovation in children’s ministry resources.  She also serves wonderful 2-year-olds in her church.  Chris is married to Ray, and together they have five kids (Callie, Shannon, Grant, Abby, and Reed), one daughter-in-law (Bri), and one dog (Teddy).  Christine says she’s glad Jesus is the star of her life because when she tries to take the starring role, her life just becomes a really bad movie that nobody wants to sit through.  Part of the most widely read magazine for children’s ministers. Partnering with you to make Jesus irresistible to kids.

Mr. Mark discusses Christine’s adventure in Children’s Ministry and her passion to keep ministry REAL.

  • Relational
  • Experiential
  • Applicable
  • Learner Based

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