og:image Podcast: Simple Steps to Enlisting Leaders - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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I’m sure you are like me and searching for people to enlist as Sunday School teachers.  Currently, I need 12 teachers to staff the classes of two year olds and that’s just the beginning.  I started in May by meeting with my team and we began to consider the calendar and when we would accomplish each task.  We want to be ready in August when school starts and we promote kids to the next grade in Sunday School.Picture1

We identified how we wanted to arrange the classes and then began asking teachers to return and teach another year.  Now we know all our vacancies so we begin calling and asking people who were wonderful teachers in VBS or went to camp or just parents we have built relationships with throughout the year.

Here are some steps to consider as you embark on enlisting workers and building a team.  Be ready to jump in and stay diligent until every position is filled or you will limp along all year.  It’s worth doing the hard work now!

  1. Pray and seek God’s guidance.  Ask Him for the person to fit the needed ministry position.  Pray for that person even before you make the first contact.
  2. Make phone calls to ask people about serving.  Be willing to set up a time to meet in person if they desire.
  3. Provide information about the position (and the leader guide for the age group if you meet in person).  Explain characteristics for the age group and provide a classroom roll.
  4. Discuss honestly the qualifications and expectations for the leadership position.  This might be hard to do since you might be fearful it will scare them away.  Don’t be afraid to raise the bar.  People want challenge and this will reinforce that you are not looking for babysitters.  You want committed teachers.
  5. Explain the process of screening leaders for the protection of the children.
  6. Allow time for any questions. Pray together.
  7. Leave with the prospective teacher your number so he can contact you with any questions as he considers the opportunity in ministry.
  8. It might be a good idea to invite the person to assist in the age group’s department room during a session before making a decision.
  9. Set a time to follow up and send a note, thanking the person for her time and assuring her of your prayers as she seeks God’s direction.
  10. Follow up as planned.
  11. Accept the answer:  If the answer is yes, be available as the leader gets started in this new ministry opportunity.  You have enlisted; now comes equipping, enabling, and encouraging.  If the answer is no, sincerely thank the person for his time and consideration of the position.

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