og:image Podcast: Six Things Parents Look for in Your Church - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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I know you work hard to make sure your ministry is warm and inviting but what are parents looking for in your ministry? In this podcast we explore some issues some churches overlook.  You can listen here, from our App (Mr. Mark’s Classroom– FREE in the App store) or on the Podcast App you can also download Free from the App Store.


Here’s a quick list but listen to see if you need some support in any of these areas.


1. A church whose teachers respond warmly and responsively to their child’s needs.

2. A church whose teachers care about children and are eager to learn about their development.

3. A church whose teachers give children individual attention and engage them in creative activities and play.

4. A church whose teachers love children unconditionally.

5. A church whose teachers maintain a clean and safe classroom.

6. A church whose teachers maximize opportunities to build on the spiritual foundations in the life of a child every time he or she comes to church.


How do you measure up?  Is there anything you can improve?


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