Many of you might not know about this terrific leader in Kid’s Ministry, Brian Dollar. If not, I am so glad to introduce him to you. I have listened to podcasts with him teaching conferences and I’m so impressed. I am really amazed at Brian’s way to connect with his listeners. I believe it comes from a minister’s heart of being real and transparent with others. His goal is to see kids know Christ. I also appreciate his heart for parents. One the ways we impact the lives of kids for Christ is to impact the parents.
This is why I want to introduce you to Brian’s new book, “Talk Now and Later.” I hope you will listen to the podcast and get to know Brian’s heart for equipping parents for difficult discussions about heavy and important topics. I love this book and recommend it to you. Here are some of the questions we discuss. You can use this as a listening guide. He has provided the first chapter free. See the links below to get your copy and how to connect to the work that Brian is doing in Kid’s Ministry.
- What led you to write “Talk Now And Later?”
- Why do you think parents tend to avoid critical conversations?
- Why do you believe parents, rather than the church (Children’s Pastor or Youth Pastor), should be the primary spiritual leaders of their children?
- OK, so we understand that PARENTS should be the primary ones having these conversations with their kids. But, the fact is that many kids’ pastors feel the pressure and desire to speak out about many of these issues in a group setting. The recent Supreme Court ruling on Gay Marriage is an example. How should kids’ pastors handle these very controversial subjects?
- In the chapter on SEX, you mention that having conversations with your kids about SEX is a spiritual experience. What do you mean by that?
- One of the chapters is on “How to Talk to Kids about Death & Tragedy.” One of the most difficult situations kids’ pastors have is to minister to a child and their family when death hits home. What are some suggestions you have for children’s ministry leaders in helping families and kids deal with a death in their family.
- You cover so many topics in this book Death & Tragedy, Sex, Divorce, Bullying of all the topics, which do you feel is the most important?
Twitter: @briandollar1
Get a free chapter of my book, plus 4 part video series (and link to purchase “Talk Now And Later”):
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