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  1. Space-Children need ample space to learn.  Provide a room that allows movement.  A crowded room invites children to become irritable with one another.
  2. Attention-Having children’s attention is a must.  Establish a signal such as ringing a triangle or singing a simple phrase (example: “Raise your hand if you are listening to me.”)  Use the signal every time, and praise the children who listen attentively. Picture1
  3. Direction-Stand or sit still when giving directions.  Walking around the room gathering material while giving instructions will cause the children to watch what you do rather than listen to what you say.
  4. Speaking-Speak slowly when giving directions.  Use short sentences.  Number for the children the things they are to do.  Example:  First, sit in your chair.  Second, open your Bibles and listen to the Bible Story.
  5. Materials-Have materials ready for children when they enter the room.  Teaching begins when the first child arrives.
  6. Clean-up Time-Have the children help place materials in appropriate storage areas.  Let children know where items are stored.
  7. Demonstration-Demonstrate skills before asking the children to do them.  This will allow everyone to see the proper way and feel more secure when they try something new.
  8. Conversation-Develop a five minute talk time in large group so children will have a time to share their needs and concerns.  Children learn by talking as well as by listening.  Providing a specific time for the children to talk will allow you to keep the large group focused on Bible learning.  It will also give the children assurance that they will have an opportunity to share during talk time later.
  9. Rewards-Praise children when they demonstrate good behavior and when they apply themselves.  Discuss awards that you feel would be appropriate for the children with the other teachers in your departments.
  10. Love-Love the children.  Remind them that God loves them, and that you love them too.  Show them that you love them.  Tell them that you love them.

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