Podcast Interview with Patrick Snow
Patrick is senior director of Christ In Youth’s SuperStart! A weekend event designed specifically for preteens. www.ciy.com/superstart
QUESTION -Why is ministry to preteens important? What Makes Preteens Different From Any Other Age?
- The name of the game for preteens is CHANGE.
- Part of That Change is an Increase in the Way They Think and Process
- This Intellectual Increase is Moving Them Toward Taking Ownership of What They Believe (Their Faith)
Preteens are becoming aware of themselves as individuals and the very unique place of taking their first steps into knowing and understanding a faith in Jesus on their own.
QUESTION – What does ministry to preteens look like?
- Preteen Ministers LET GO OF THE BIKE – Allowing Preteens to take their first steps toward owning their faith
- Preteen Ministers CONTINUE TO RUN BESIDE – Being an ever present guide as they take their first those first steps.
QUESTION – What are the wins that come out of preteen ministry?
When We Do Let Go of the Bike
- Preteens get a safe place to test and practice their faith in Christ
- Preteens build up trusting their faith: in themselves and in God
- Preteens become empowered in their faith.
When We Don’t Let Go of the Bike
- Preteens can grow bored or grow to not care for the church or faith in God.
- Preteens may not become equipped to handle their faith on their own.
- Preteens may rebel against church or faith in God.
QUESTION – What are some practical practices leaders can use to reach Preteens? Practical ways to “Let go of the Bike”.
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