og:image Popping Firecracker - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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  • Blue Lays Stax Chips canister with lid
  • White tape (1.5″ – 2″ in width)
  • Scissors
  • Red electrical tape (1/2″ – 3/4″ in width)
  • Star stickers
  • Ribbon
  • clear tape


Peel the label off of an empty Lays Stax Chip canister. Cut strips of white tape about the length of the can. Cut ribbon into 12 inch strips.


  1. Instruct children to place the white tape on the canister vertically. Remind them to space out the white tape to leave room for the blue to show.
  2. Add strips of red tape over the white tape, so that an equal amount of red, white and blue are showing.
  3. Tape four or five strips of the ribbon to the inside of the chip canister lid.
  4. Add adhesive stars to the ends of the ribbon.
  5. Stuff the ribbon inside the canister and secure the lid.
  6. Squeeze the canister and POP off the lid!

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