og:image Resource Rooms - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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I often get questions about our resource room.  This is our main resource room located in the preschool area of our church.  Our elementary age resource room is small and stocked with consumable supplies so teachers can replenish their classroom supplies as needed.  There is a limited amount of specialty items and Bible games but we try to stock the classrooms with much of this for the teachers’ convenience.  Both resource rooms have bulletin board paper, a paper cutter and pencil sharpeners to list a few items.

Take a look at the video I created so you can have a walking tour of the large resource room.  I have toured some terrific resource rooms and I have posted those pictures in the gallery on Classroom Swag so check there for more ideas. 

I would love to hear about your resource room and see some pics if you will send me those.  What is the biggest challenge you face with your resource room?  Reply back with a comment below.




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