og:image Wanna Build a Snowman? - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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I attached the game key for your class to use as they work to build the snowman by rolling the die.  


  • Each person gets one roll at a time. 
  • You must get each number in order to build (draw) your complete snowman. 
  • The first person to complete their snowman wins. 
  • Challenge: Call a book of the Bible and the first person to find it gets to roll. (I love this idea!) 

 snowman-gameHave fun!! 

Click here to download the snowman-with-dice-game.


“Winter Welcome” January Door Poster

Available in Half Door or Full Door

jan-poster-1 jan-poster-2
jan-poster3 jan-poster4
jan-poster-5 jan-poster6

New– Bulletin Board Poster 5’ x 4’ for $14.97

Simply add the snowflakes your class makes to complete your decoration!

You can find out more at www.mrmarksclassroom.com/store.




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