Gather these items:
- Elmer’s Glue
- Black Acrylic Paint
- White Cardstock
- Watercolors
First of all, this process takes at least 2 days!
1. You need half a bottle of Elmer’s school glue. Add black acrylic paint to the bottle of school glue. Mix the paint and glue by shaking or using a stir stick.
2. Use the school glue bottle to squeeze the glue mixture in a heart shape on the cardstock.
3. After making the heart shape, now use the glue mixture to make a grid pattern on the page. This grid can overlap the heart shape.
4. Now the glue needs to dry for at least 24 hours.
5. After the glue mixture has dried, you can start watercoloring each square. (Tip: use less water to create more bold colors)
6. Allow to dry. This creates a bold process art creation!
We are prepared for Valentine’s Day this year! Get your free download of the Valentine’s bracelet here!