og:image Steps to Creating & Implementing Children’s Ministry Policies - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Step 1. Alert church members to the need for policies.

Step 2. Arrange a meeting for parents, leaders and church members to voice concerns.

Step 3. Accept nominations for a team (parents, teachers, attorney, insurance representative, deacon) to investigate, develop, and recommend policies to the church. Have the team elected by the church.

The team will:

Step 4. Obtain copies of other churches’ policies.

Step 5. Research recommended standards of care (state childcare services; laws applying to employed teachers; fire, electrical, and building codes).

Step 6. Consult with the church insurance agent.

Step 7. Study the policies and research compiled.

Step 8. From the research, prayerfully formulate policies to meet your church’s needs and legal specifications.

Step 9. Present the policies to the church for approval.

Items to include:

  • A greeting from the Pastor
  • Purpose for the policies
  • General policies—age of children in facility; availability of facilities; hours for church programs; guidelines for requesting and using facility
  • Parent policies—date/month for promotion; age division for departments; arrival and pickup procedures; infectious disease guidelines; medication statements; food and feeding guidelines
  • Teacher/Worker policies—arrival time; pupil-teacher ratio; number of workers on duty in the rooms and on playground; training of teachers; screening procedures; background check guidelines
  • Playground policies
  • Safety and Security policies
  • Infectious disease policies
  • Emergency Procedures

Step 10. Make policy booklet available to church members. Train leadership. Implement policies.

Sample policies: Church Child Handbook

*Written by Sheri Babb


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