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Quarantine Blues

Quarantine Blues

It might just be me, but I doubt it. I’ve had some low days. Days where I found it hard to get out of the chair and out of the pity party. We are all so tired of this quarantine thing. I am even struggling with which day of the week it is. Our weather is warm, then...
Discipline and Forgiveness

Discipline and Forgiveness

I was leading a conference in Tyler TX about guiding behavior in the preschool classroom.  I set the scene with Cameron, an expressive three year old coming in the room and playing at the water table when suddenly he began splashing the water. I explained to this room...

Help! These Kids act Awful!

Mr. Mark, We have dealt with a few difficult discipline situations recently in our CIA group.  The teachers are at their wit’s end.  I would like to be able to provide them with a guideline/procedure on how to best handle kids that are hyper and disruptive...

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