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Supplies: Chip canDecorative paperIridescent pony beadsIridescent faceted beadsHot glueClear plasticMirror paperAwl (leader use only) Prepare: Cut the decorative paper to fit around the outside of the chip can.Punch a hole in the metal end of the can.Cut a clear...
Quiet Kerplunk

Quiet Kerplunk

Supplies: Two plastic bottlesCraft knife (Leader use only)Clear tapeHole punchPom-pomsPlastic straws Prepare: Remove the neck from each bottle.Punch a row of holes every couple of inches around the rim of each bottle. Punch a second row of holes slightly...
Zip Line Toy

Zip Line Toy

Supplies: 2 plastic bottlesCraft knife (Leader use only)Duct tapeCord: 2 6-foot lengths4 large beads Prepare: Cut the cord into 6-ft lengths.Cut the neck from each bottle.Place the bottle necks rim to rim and tape together with duct tape. Feed two segments of cord...

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