og:image Teaching Through Relationships - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Jesus taught the disciples through his relationship with them. Each child in your Sunday School class needs a relationship with you. A teacher only needs his eyes, hears, and a tongue to teach a preschooler that God loves him. Using the word relationship

look at ways you can use Bible Conversation to teach your class.

R REAL Children know when you are faking an interest in them. You must care about what they say, before they are going to care about what you say.

E ENTHUSIASM Let your voice say I am so happy to be here telling you about Samuel’s mother Hannah.

L LIST The teacher that understands the importance of relationships will not get so caught up in making sure everyone had a turn with the blocks that he forgets to say, “The Bible says work with your hands.”  Write out what you want to stress and carry it with you until Bible conversation becomes natural to you

A APPROPRIATE “Jesus was born in stable with animals near by” is useable. “Jesus was born of a virgin to pay the penalty of our sins” is not useable. Even if a child can say the word redemption, it doesn’t mean that he understands what it means.

T TALK Talk with the child, not to her. Avoid talking with your teaching partner.

I INFORMATION Get your facts straight. Study the story from the adult Bible Study, then reread the story on the child’s level. You can not teach what you don’t understand.

O  ONE IS ENOUGH You can tell the main points of Bible Story to each child on an individual basis. “Thank you, Paula for this great fried chicken. Martha cooked food for Jesus and his friends while Mary, her sister listened to Jesus teach.”

N NOTICE EACH ONE By giving each child your time, she will not have to demand it in negative behavior.

S SPRINKLE Sprinkle Bible thoughts throughout every conversation. “You went to the circus this week. Wow! God sure does give us things to enjoy.”

H HEAR Teach them to listen to each other by modeling good listening skills.  “I understand you want a turn at the easel. Jeremy will be finished soon. He is your friend, just like David was Jonathan’s friend.”

I INDIVIDUAL LEARNING STYLES Some children need some down time to process information. Give these children, some space.

P PRAY The teacher that has a growing relationship with God and her class will spontaneously pray, “Thank you God for my church.”

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