Children’s Ministry
Leadership Team Covenant
God has saved me for His glory and my benefit and I will continue to grow in my relationship with Christ.
God has called me to service in His body, the church.
My responsibility is first to Christ, second to my family, third to this church body, and then to the (children’s minister or staff member) and the preschool and children’s ministry.
I am agreeing to pray for this preschool and children’s ministry and the children, parents, and other family members involved in it as this team attempts to lead them in the way our Lord has directed.
I am agreeing to serve the preschool and children’s ministry of (church name) in a leadership position that will require me to be a positive example of Christ before other members of the church body and strive to lead them into a closer relationship with Him.
I am agreeing to be faithful in attendance to weekly activities and special events of (church name) and especially the preschool and children’s ministry because of my leadership role.
I am agreeing there are no personal issues in my life that would reflect poorly on Jesus Christ and disqualify me from effective ministry in the body of Christ, in this church, and on this team.
If I feel that God would like me to serve this church in a different way or should personal issues arise leading to a personal conviction that I need to end my service on this leadership team, I have permission to resign without any poor reflection on myself or my service.
Signed: _______________________________________________
This ___ day of _______________ in the year of our Lord ______
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Donny Rockwell is the pastor at Vintage Faith in Tulsa, OK.