og:image Technology Can’t Replace Relationships in Ministry - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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I’m so glad we have technology. I remember the days of sending postcard reminders and monthly newsletters that promoted activities, but all that stuff took tons of time.  Now, I can answer texts and emails so much easier. Being able to post all the details on a website for people to find is great! Be sure you are utilizing the website since most of our people just whip out their phone and check the website for the answer to their thousands of questions. 

We need to be careful that we are not relying on our technology to develop relationships. Technology is perfect for spreading information, but face to face conversations are still the best. Everything God does, He does through relationships. This means we need to be investing in our friendships by interacting with parents and with children. This podcast will address some ideas for focusing on the relationships in our ministry and how we can be intentional and know it is putting our best foot forward. 

Thanks for all your work in Kid’s Ministry. Your life in Children’s Ministry is a gift so keep making it count! 

Much Love! 

Mr. Mark 

*Note- If you would like to listen to the audio version of this podcast, download the Podcast app and subscribe to Mr. Mark’s Classroom for free!  

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