og:image Thanksgiving Scripture Cake - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Bake a cake by using Bible verses to discover the ingredients.  (Old Testament Bible skills)


Apricots (chopped)




Sliced Almonds


Baking Powder



Bake in 2 greased and floured loaf pans (350 degrees-1 hour)

Cool slightly (Optional– Prepared Cream Cheese Frosting)



Put all ingredients on one table and mixing/ measuring items at separate tables.  Instruct kids to prepare pans and mix only one ingredient at a time.  This is not a race so kids need to measure correctly.  Teachers can assist by demonstrating then allowing the children to do it.  Above all… Have Fun!
4 cups (Song of Solomon 2:3)________________

1 cup (Genesis 28:18)_______________________

2 (Jeremiah 17:11) __________________________

2 cups (Jeremiah 6:20)_______________________

1 cup sliced (Numbers 17:8)__________________

3 cups (1 Kings 4:22) ________________________

2 tsp. (Amos 4:5)_____________________________

1/2 tsp. (Leviticus 2:13) ______________________

1/2 tsp. (2 Chronicles 9:9) ____________________


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