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Building bonds with kids and teachers is a priority.  Sometimes you have to get back in the classroom and teach a lesson or two to get to know kids better and train new teachers. I am teaching in a third grade class right now to better help some kids with learning difficulties and to try some different curriculums before suggesting we make a change.  Teaching give you benefits as the leader.

As teachers observe you (the master teacher), they will see how to organize the time, deliver the Bible story, and connect with children.  I have found a huge benefit in teaching certain classes where I need to know particular “trouble makers” before going to camp.  That’s just me.  I like to teach boys and girls.  It is the whole reason I started doing this in the first place.  Do you like to teach?  Which ages are you favorite?

Your Friend,

Mr. Mark


Which Would You Prefer?







Items needed:  Two pieces of fruit, one beautiful piece and one yucky piece.  Bananas work well, but you could also use two apples and take a bite from one apple several days before you wish to use it.  Leave it out to bruise and turn yucky.

Ask the class which one they would rather receive.  Why?

If someone asked you for a piece of fruit, which one would you give to them?  Which one would you give God?  Discuss why we should always give God our best (it all belongs to him anyway!).  How is this like the Bible story today?

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