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Consider these ideas as you plan your Fall Festival:

  1. Make a photo booth to take pictures of the kids in their cute costumes. Parents will be happy to give you their e-mail addresses so you can send them the pictures.
  2. Fill a large decorative jar with candy corn. Invite participants to fill out a  registration card and guess how many kernels are in the jar.  (Be sure you count the kernels as you fill.)  The closest guess wins the jar.
  3. Provide a few door prizes. Participants must complete a registration card to be eligible to win a door prize.
  4. Provide cards such as the one below for your church members to hand out with their trick or treat candy. Include information about your church’s on-going ministry to children and any up-coming special events.  Encourage those who want to participate to be sure that they are giving out nice treats that will provide a positive impression of your church.


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