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This is the place for kids to perform so it should have the drama with lights and sound.  Consider special lighting and sounds systems for kids to hear themselves sing.  One of the challenges is to make this scene in a classroom and leave enough room for a group of children to do motions without knocking everything down.  Give special consideration to the size of this classroom when assigning space. The Tune Town director (teacher) should consider wearing and black tuxedo coat with tails, a taped on Mustache, heavy black rimmed glasses and a conductor’s baton (or long white dowel rod to be humorous).

Stage Floor– Make the wooden floor by using a tan king size sheet and roughly draw lines with a wide point black or brown permanent marker every two to four inches on the sheet to suggest boards.  Go back and draw lines across to suggest the ends of the boards. These lines should be staggered and not straight across (plaid pattern).  Seams on wooden floors are always off set from other seams.  Draw two circles or dots on both sides of the seams (short lines) to be nail prints.  You may add as much detail as you want.  This particular decoration stores flat and can be used in most decorations each year.  *Note- Preparing a king size sheet will give you options when setting up the room.  If the room does not have enough space, you can simply fold it under to make it whatever size you need.  You can make it smaller but if you prepare a smaller sheet, you cannot stretch it larger.

Stage Lights are made by opening a tube of pipe insulation and laying C-9 Christmas lights inside the tube concealing the wire but allowing the bulbs to line up outside the tube with space in between.  Cut slits in small aluminum foil pans for the bulb to poke through.  The pans will help reflect the light and shield the audience from seeing the light.  This project will take two medium pipe insulation tubes.  When you are pleased with the light bars, go back and remove the adhesive film and stick the two edges together to keep the lights from shifting.

Choral Shell– This is the largest part of the decoration in this room and can be difficult to maneuver.  Find a time that you can dedicate a couple of hours to work without interruption.  There are several pieces and it becomes confusing if you must walk away before completion.  Remember to label pieces as you go.  There are three rings to this shell.  If you decide to make only two, it would be the middle ring and the back panel.

The front ring is made by laying three of the construction foam panels (1.5 inches thick) side by side.  Make a compass with string tied to a permanent marker.  Locate which end is the top and the bottom of the panels. Next, one person holds the end of the string at the base of the middle panel and the other person keeps the string tight while drawing the arch on the first panel of foam.  After the arch is drawn on the first panel, cut along the lines with a sharp utility knife or hot knife (a tool commonly used in freight shipping and purchased online or any store providing tools for this industry).  Now flip the panel over on the third panel to trace the arch so it mirrors the first panel.  The center panel can be straight along the top.

Next, take a yard stick and wrap a piece of tape around the 2.5 feet measurement.  This will mark where you hold the marker as you trace the outside edge at 2.5 feet wide for the inside line to be cut.  This is much easier and more reliable than using a compass since it will give you the needed width all the way around. The center leftover scrap is the rear panel of the shell. The middle ring is made using the same method but this ring is shorter so simply cut a foot of material off the bottom of each side.  Label each piece on the back (at the bottom) so you will know where pieces belong.

Lay the stage floor down with the back against the wall and secure it from moving by taping the corners and edges (especially if it is a tile floor).  The floor will run under the shell and is very difficult to install last.  Next, lay the back panel on the floor and tape along the back seam. Stand in place by leaning against the wall.  A piece of tape on the top will secure it to the wall so it doesn’t fall forward causing a domino effect on your set.

The middle ring is next.  Lay the pieces out face down and tape the seams together.  Place a chair between the back panel and middle ring on each side to anchor the ring.  Stand the middle ring and tape it to the chairs so it stands firm.  Repeat this again for the front ring.  Place lights or lamps in the chairs behind the rings for added drama.  Set you light bar across the front of the stage and plug in using an extension cord hidden under the edge of sheet.  Add microphone stands and other lights as desired.

Signage– The Tune Town sign is like as Broadway show marquee.  Take three sheets of foam board from the hobby store and lay them horizontal then join each end with colorful duct tape to make a triangle.  Decide which panel will be the back then add tape across the bottom and the top to give the panel a framed look.  Next, add Tune Town sign or cut apart each letter and glue them to the sign.  Add poster lights (battery operated) to the sign by poking small holes around each sign and pushing a light through.  Be sure to tape the cord on the back to keep it from falling out.  These lights are easy to use and add a lot of excitement to the sign.  Hang the sign close to the ceiling near or against the front ring with open paper clips hooked into the tape corners and on the ceiling.  Use fishing line to suspend if lower as needed.





Watch Mark Create Tune Town (Video)

Watch Mark Create Tune Town (Powerpoint)

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