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  • Boxes dash
  • Knobs
  • Cups
  • Twinkle lights
  • Utility knife
  • Hot glue gun
  • Wrapping paper or paint
  • Gadgets
  • Lamps
  • Clipboards or folders
  • Cut boxes to sit upside down on the table slanted down like a podium surface
  • Cover boxes (or paint) with silver wrapping paper or bulletin board paper in a color you choose
  • Place knobs, upside down colored plastic cups or draw panels of levers and buttons
  • Before you glue any knobs or cups to the dashboard box poke holes and secure lights in the holes by taping on the inside of the box. (Test lights before gluing items)
  • Glue cups and knobs for 3-D effect. A line of lights on a box with no cover is also a good look

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For more VBS 2016 decorating ideas check out the Decoration Made Easy book (005732157) at

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