VBS 2024 is going to be a blast!
Hello Friends,
We are thrilled about our new decorations for Breaker Rock Beach VBS!
Here are the huge stage props that will transform your platform into a North Pacific Beach with
rocks, waves, sand, trees, lighthouse & coastal animals.
We have tried to make options that will fit your church’s needs and budget. Take a look at the Small Stage Set and the Large Stage Set to see which works best for you. Since the lighthouse is such a fun feature, we are offering it as a separate add-on and it includes a couple of large sandcastles.
Check out the decorating descriptions below:
Small Stage Set
Create a beautiful VBS stage with the waves splashing against the large Breaker Rock center stage. By adding some blue vinyl table cloths for water behind the rock, you can place the Orca to one side. Lay some tan colored sheets or paper to be the sand so you seal can be placed to the opposite side. These two panels provide a great large scale stage prop without painting. The panels are adhesive backed stickers measuring 4’x8’ each. Simple stick them to the insulating foam board and cut out the objects with a sharp blade. Light weight and easy to store for early prep.
Large Stage Set
Here’s the full stage decoration to bring your VBS theme to life. This includes the Breaker Rock panels with the seal and orca plus two more panels for each side of your stage to frame the scene and large rocks that match the Breaker Rock to give your scene more depth and a three dimensional appearance. The Large Stage Set has a total of four large sticker panels, 4’x 8’ each, featuring trees, rocks and a lighthouse in the distance.
Lighthouse Add-on Panel
Create this eight foot lighthouse for your scene with no tracing or painting. The two over-sized sandcastles are a perfect addition to your stage too. Adhere this 8’x 4’ sticker to a construction foam board and cut out the three props and you’re ready to go. Get all three props in one panel. ((Click here to see this item.))