og:image What Do You Do for VBS Family Night? - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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  • We have a free dinner at 5:30 p.m., Open House at 6:00 p.m. and then at 6:30 p.m. the kids perform the songs they have learned that week.  We have found we have a more well attended Family Night on Thursday Night and then in their music time the next day they get to watch the video of them performing
  • Our “family night” actually takes place on the Sunday morning following VBS. Sunday morning we perform the musical, which has such a powerful message – especially because it is delivered by the children.  Then we have a pot luck meal following the service, which allows us a chance to get to fellowship with the visiting parents and brag on their kids.
  • We rent a pool on Friday evening and have a pool party for all of the families of the boys and girls who attended VBS.  (Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.)  We have Snow Cones, bottled water and snacks.
  • We do a sports camp and our Family Night is like another VBS night.  The kids’ do their songs, Have a life lesson and then we pass out sports camp awards.  Afterwards, outside on the grounds we have Bounce Houses, hot dogs, snow cones, cotton candy, sack races and fun.  Before the 1st-6th grade do their program, the preschoolers come up and sing their songs and tell their Bible verses.
  • After the VBS Musical, we have a guest speaker to share the Gospel through ventriloquism.
  • The church I attend had age groups sit together for supper and the family night entertainment.  Present in each group were the teachers and the outreach team that would be following up with those families.  The benefit was that when families received a knock on the door they recognized the person visiting them.
  • I have collectible Bible heroes cards or Missionary cards, or something else that has a great variety.  When we dismiss from the auditorium the teachers go to their rooms first.  Every child can go to that room and get one of the cards or prizes from each room if they are accompanied with an adult.  This gives the parents an opportunity to become comfortable to building and meet more of our people. This also shortens the line for the food we serve afterwards.
  • We had Family Night on Sunday morning during the worship service. We actually did the VBS worship rally like you do each morning.  I had the kids walk in and sit in their groups and say the pledges and everything. Then the kids, by grades, sang a VBS song they learned from the week or recited the motto or memory verse. When it was all over, I wasn’t for sure how long we would take but the preacher had 25 minutes to preach. We invited the whole church to stay and have hamburgers and hot dogs with us.
  • I heard about other churches doing a Wednesday night family night.  We are going to try that this year.

5:30-6:00    Open House (tour the classrooms)

6:00-6:30    Opening Rally (Sanctuary)

6:30-7:30    Extreme Animals and Meal

The last two years we did a pre-VBS Block Party (Sunday night before VBS) and did not do a family night.  This year we are going to do both.

  • Family Night on Thursday evening.  We are providing a dinner (hot dogs & burgers) for families, opening up the classrooms for kids to show to their parents & then doing the VBS musical.
  • We are having a Friday hot dog dinner theatre.  We are going to have to add a few things to pull it all together. After that, our pastor will get up and tie in the theme.  We are taking family pictures and ask them to come Sunday to get their pictures.
  • VBS family Sunday and tried to get families connected into our regular Sunday morning program.  We would serve breakfast, have a special guest – a juggler or something like that, invite families to their appropriate Sunday school class and then have worship with the VBS music and the kids singing.
  • We invite parent and grandparents to a Friday noon sack lunch (which we prepare). Each child has lunch with his/her parents and VBS teachers. The teachers are able to chat a bit with the families, show the VBS room and then we do a short program. It is amazing how many come despite work schedules. We also tell about upcoming events and hand out any fliers after the program.
  • This year we are not doing a family night, but instead we are offering a parenting course throughout the 5 days of VBS.  (Kevin Lehman’s “Have a Better Kid by Friday”.)  So as we offer VBS to the community there will be a place for parents to come and have practical teaching for parenting skills.  Hopefully, the relationships will be built during this time.  Sunday Morning we will have a time of sharing testimony’s of what the Lord had done through VBS.

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