og:image Why Children Bite - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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• Oral exploration

• Teething

• Hunger or fatigue

• Lack of awareness that biting hurts

• Frustration, anxiety, stress

• Inability to express feelings or needs verbally

• Mimicking behavior

• Inexperienced peer interactions

• A way of showing affection

• A need for autonomy or control

• Exploring cause and effect relationships



What Can I Do If Biting Continues?


• Document biting in a log, noting patterns (time, child involved, area of room, activity child is doing)

• Observe for possible causes of biting.

• Say a firm, “No, Biting hurts.”

• Model empathy and caring for the child who was bitten.

• Implement solutions to possible causes of biting:

o Provide sensory activities, teething items.

o Reinforce “gentle touches.”


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