This month’s game mat activity can be used during the winter months. Teachers can include seasonal activities with the teaching suggestions for the monthly unit.
Consider using the game mat in one of the learning centers or in group time. Spread the game mat on the floor or hang on the wall using Command Hooks®—holes are provided on two sides of the mat.
Supplies for Winter Activity for Giant Game Floor Mat:
- Giant Game Floor Mat (LifeWay Christian Resources, Item 1114564)
- Command Hooks® for hanging on the wall
- winter paper plates* to place in pockets (20 clear pockets on the mat)
- words on white paper
(*Use white paper plates if snowflake plates from Dollar Tree® are unavailable.)
1. Place winter paper plates in the clear pockets on the game mat.
2. Print words on white paper.
* Place one word behind each plate. Use blankpieces of paper in rows 1, 2, and 3 to fill each pocket in the row.
Row 1: God made the winter.
Row 2: God made the winter.
Row 3: God made the winter.
Row 4: He’s so good to us.
*Laminating the word pages makes it easier to insert and remove the paper.
Teaching Tips:
- Talk about wintertime and God’s plan for this season. Read the Bible verse
God sends the winter (Psalm 74:17). Sing the song “God Is So Good.”
- Explain that the game will include words about wintertime.
- Guide a child to remove one plate in the game mat. Continue playing the game and reading the words. The children will notice the repeated words.
- When all of the plates have been removed, sing the words to the tune “God Is So Good.”
- Expand the game to include words God sends the snow (Psalm 147:16).
Use the same tune to sing the words God sends the snow…He’s so good to us.”
Note: If your class is small, children will enjoy having more than one turn to
play the game. To simplify or shorten the game time, use only one row for the
words God made the winter. The words will be repeated in the song.
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