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Gather Supplies:

  • Wood Craft Frame (Any Shape, size)
  • Craft Glue (Hot Glue could be used instead if needed.)
  • Pom Poms (Choose whatever colors you want!)
    • *Smaller sized poms are best. Amount will vary depending on size of your frame. The example used about 150 small poms.


  • Apply a super generous amount of craft glue to the face of the frame. The poms soak up some glue, so a super thick covering of glue is helpful. (Could glue individually if needed.)
  • If you find that your frame and poms aren’t cooperating, you could opt to use hot glue.
  • Allow a good amount of time for it to dry to make sure it all stays secure.
  • Put a picture or Bible Verse inside the frame.
  • Keep or gift to someone special!

*Could use cardboard frame cut-outs if wood frames aren’t an option. Paper mache/ foam frames don’t hold the glue well.

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