og:image Words in a Bottle - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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A Great Idea for Manipulatives:

Certain words are familiar to children at an early age, and the word love is one a child hears and learns to say. A teacher can guide a child to understand what the Bible teaches about God’s love and about the love of Jesus. An activity such as “words in a bottle”  will involve a child in learning and will provide opportunities to teach Bible truths.bottle

God loves us (Psalm 107:1).

Jesus said, “I love you” (John 15:9).


What to Gather:

  • water bottle with labels removed
  • small alphabet beads* ((available at craft stores)
  • white syrup
  • self-adhesive labels


*Bible words to spell:

God loves us (Psalm 107:1).

Jesus said, “I love you” (John 15:9).

Put It Together

  1. Prepare water bottle. (Use an adhesive remover to clean the bottle.)
  2. Locate alphabet beads to spell the word love.
  3. Copy a Bible verse on a self-adhesive label to attach to the bottle.
  4. Pour white syrup in the bottle (about half-full).
  5. Drop the letters into the bottle with the syrup.
  6. Attach a Bible verse label to the outside of the bottle. (See illustration.)

Teaching Tips:

Read the Bible verse on the water bottle. Open the Bible to locate the verse. Show the child the word love in the Bible. As the child watches the letters move around in the syrup,  guide him to look for the ones that spell the word love. Mention other times the word love is used in the Bible. **Remind a child of other times the word love is used in the Bible.




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