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  • Large craft sticks 
  • White water bottle lid 
  • Red permanent marker 
  • Fine print marker or colored pencil 
  • Baseball bead 
  • Black tape 
  • Cord 



  1. Use a small sander to create a baseball bat shape on one end of the craft stick. (Optional) 
  2. Cut the cord into 10-inch lengths. 



  1. Use the red marker to draw stitches on the lid.  Glue the lid to one end of the stick. 
  2. Tie the cord to the bead.
  3. Use the tape to attach the other end of the cord to the opposite end of the stick. Wrap the tape to make a bat grip. 
  4. Print the verse on the bat. 
  5. Try to catch the baseball bead in the cap. 



The Time Saver Idea Notebook is filled with 150 ideas to use in childhood ministry. Topics include: Ideas for teaching preschoolers & children, reaching parents, leadership tips, general helps and lots of holiday ideas. This is a great organized resource for leaders and teachers needing quick ideas. The Time Saver Notebook is available in our store. Order yours today!



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